The CQAB, to carry out its activity, is organized into two functional units: a) Pilot Plant for Fine Chemicals (PPQF) and Biotechnology (UBIOTEC) b) Bioanalytical and Quality Control Unit (UBACC).
The Center has scientific advisors in different areas of knowledge to support the research projects and services that are carried out.
The entire CQAB staff made up of doctors, researchers, technologists, technical support staff and administrators, carries out its activity as contracted staff assigned to the University of Alcala or the General Foundation of the University of Alcala (FGUA).

Prof. Dr. Julio Álvarez-Builla Gómez
Advisor in Organic Chemistry. He obtained his Doctorate from the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Complutense

Prof. Juan José Vaquero López
Organic Chemistry Advisor. Degree in Chemical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (1976) and Doctor of Chemical Sciences from the University of Alcalá

Prof. Dr. Antonio Luis Crego Navazo
Analytical Chemistry Advisor. Bachelor of Chemical Sciences specializing in Analytical Chemistry at the UAM.

Dr. José Luis Aceña Bonilla
Organic Chemistry Advisor. After studying Chemistry at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos Flores Serrano
Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry Advisor. Doctor in Chemistry (1992) under the supervision of Prof. Pascual Royo and Tomás Cuenca at the University of Alcalá (UAH)

Dra. Ana Karina Boltes Espínola
is a Chemical Engineer, Doctor in Chemistry and Associate Professor at the University of Alcalá.

Prof. Dra. María Piedad Ruiz Torres
She received her doctorate from the University of Alcalá (UAH) in 1995, she is currently a Professor in the Department of Systems Biology of the UAH

Dra. Ana María Ares Fuentes
Researcher in the Quality Control area. She graduated in Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela

Dª Tamara Fernández Bautista
Research at the Bioanalysis and Quality Control Unit. She graduated in Chemical Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid
Dª. Sara Fernández Martín
Administration Responsible. Graduated with a degree in Science (Biology) from the University of Alcalá

Dr. M. Isabel Fernández Bachiller
Head of the Pilot Plant of Fine Chemistry and Biotechnology Unit. Degree in Chemistry, Complutense University of Madrid

Dra. Leonor Nozal Martínez
Head of the Bioanalysis and Quality Control Unit. She has a doctorate in Chemical Sciences, specialized in Analytical Chemistry, from the University of Córdoba

D. Miguel Ángel de la Cal Fidalgo
Quality Assurance Manager. Graduate in Chemical Sciences from Universidad Complutense de Madrid

D. José Ignacio Gallego Delgado
Maintenance Responsible. Graduated in Professional Training of a medium degree in Electricity and a higher degree in Installation Maintenance at the I.E.S
Dra. Florentina Castro Rubio
Supervisor of the Bioanalysis and Quality Control area. She graduated in Chemical Sciences, specialty of Analytical Chemistry, at the University of Alcalá

Daniel Fresno Onrubia
Laboratory technician. I obtained the Intermediate Degree in Laboratory Operations Technician at the IES Palomeras-Vallecas

Dr. Francisco Maqueda Zelaya.
. Graduated in Chemistry from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2017, Master in Organic Chemistry

D. Roberto Fuentes García.
Graduated in Chemical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2013

D. Mohamed Jawhar.
Graduated in Chemistry in 2020 (UCM). During the academic year 2020/2021 I did my studies in the Interuniversity Master in Drug Discovery (UCM, UAH, CEU San Pablo)

D. Rubén Jarillo González
He graduated in Pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2019

Prof. Manuel Ángel Fernández Rodríguez
Scientific Director. Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the Universidad de Oviedo

Dr. José Luis Novella Robisco
Technical Director of the CQAB. Degree in Industrial Pharmacy from the UCM and Doctor in Organic Chemistry from the UAH in 1990

Dr. Raúl Alonso del Águila
Biotechnology Supervisor. Graduated in Chemical Sciences in 2003 from the University of Alcalá